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"Education Is the Key to Success"

"Words cannot express how valuable Mrs. Pensal MCray was to Denver and the world. Her support and

wisdom helped many young people acquire higher education. During my college days, Mrs. McCray always

had an encouraging word or story, and her phone calls seemed to come at just the right time. I'm grateful for

the love and care she showed me, and her own life lesson on the importance of giving to others. I am grateful

to have had such an outstanding person in my life."  
Bianka L. Emerson, M.A., President, American Association of University Women, Denver 


"Mrs. McCray, when I was a 22 year-old single mother, I had no idea what college could offer.  I was indigent

with big holes in my education. I had my dignity and the will to do better, and you saw my desire to make good

on my life. You helped me apply for college and get a 'full-ride' Second Century Scholarship.  With your guidance and encouragement, I acquired three degrees, several professional licenses, and a career in financial services.  

I went from welfare to a high six-figure income."  With Much Love and Respect,  

Ivory Harding, Ivory Harding Financial Services

"For over 15 years I've presented the ECCC's "Are You Ready for College?" Skills Workshop. The McCrays opened educational doors for many Denver area youth. Students receive valuable information about college

and are supported in their studies. Mrs. McCray demanded high academic, social, and behavioral standards.

The ECCC supported the Denver NAACP Youth Council's "Jail Is No Place To Be Somebody" crime prevention conference, and the Council supported the College Fair.   Carolyn Phillips, Ed.D., Psychologist


"Mom never sought kudos for being an outstanding mother and wife; rather, she guided her children by example, high standards, enriching experiences, and strict discipline - including a firm hand when necessary. Ever faithful and patient, she reared children any parent would be proud of. She was indeed a virtuous woman whose value

is above rubies and who loved and served the LORD, family, and community and used her GOD-given talents

for the greater good of humanity."   Dr. Talia; Dr. Monique; Dr. Christophe; Dr. Rispba; Demetrus

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